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Market Leading Nutritionist Planner - SaaS

Nutritionist SaaS has modernised its quality assurance (QA) process by hiring Double Yolk QA engineers using Appium (an open-source test automation framework). With Appium, the company can automate mobile app testing on multiple platforms and devices (iOS, Android and the browser). This results in more reliable and accurate testing while saving time and minimising the risk of human error.​


  • Manual testing: Relied solely on manual testing, which proved inefficient, time-consuming, and error-prone. ​
  • Scalability Issues: not scalable and could not keep up with the growing demand for new features and frequent software releases.​
  • Consistency: The inability to test repetitively meant that regression testing was not carried out effectively. These results made it difficult to catch all defects across multiple platforms


  • leveraging automation testing: Improved quality standards, delivering a better user experience and reducing the potential for negative reviews or customer complaints.
  • Issues nullified: increased costs, missed deadlines, reduced quality and​
  • Release cycle: The client can now confidently release daily rather than fortnightly due to increased confidence in QA.

Client impacts

  • Reduced maintenance costs: Appium reduced the maintenance costs associated with manual testing, making the testing process more efficient and cost-effective.​
  • Enhanced user experience: With Appium, the company could catch more bugs and issues before they reached the users, improving the overall user experience of their app.
  • Improved test coverage: With Appium, the company could cover more use cases, test scenarios, and edge cases than before, improving the overall quality of their app.​
  • Rapid testing: Appium allowed the company to execute tests faster and more frequently, reducing the overall testing time and increasing the release frequency.​
